Building a successful career by doing Short Bricklaying Courses


A construction project is not only work done with bricks and mortars. It is much more than it. Those who aspire to achieve soaring height in construction industry must start their preparations from day one. Taking a short course in bricklaying is the first step towards it. Not only the citizens of Australia but such courses open up many avenues for students who want to have job experience in Australia.  Not only the theoretical knowledge but such short courses help students to learn many important soft skills that they must have in order to become market-ready.


The first step towards bricklaying career


The first step that one should take is to get qualified as a block layer or brick layer. This can be done when Certificate III course is done. The course not only offers a certificate but offers avenues to step further through the apprenticeship programs.


What a bricklayer does?


During the Bricklaying Short Course, students not only learn how to lay bricks or blocks. The course teaches them much more than only laying of blocks. Technical aspects of this industry are also taught. Unless a trainee understands how to read and interpret the construct plans and specifications, they cannot be successful bricklayer. The other works that they learn are:

·         Repair and maintain concrete blocks, clay or cement bricks

·         Operate brick cutting machines

·         Sealing foundations

·         Putting mortars to bind bricks

As a bricklayer, one has to work outdoors most of the time. They also need to work at different heights. Physical fitness is an important criterion for the bricklayers. Projects they work may be having project managers or sometimes bricklayers have to take decisions themselves. So, the art of team building is also learnt when a fresh certificate holder joins as an apprentice for a construction project. Bricklayers have to interact with their clients at the project sites and often need to communicate them about the progress of the work and may have to answer their queries so it is important that a bricklayer is humble and courteous.


Boosting apprenticeship

Appointing a certificate holder into a bricklaying apprenticeship is not only beneficial for the certificate holder but employers also get the benefit. The employers enjoy wage subsidy from the government. This apprenticeship boosting program is of great help for those want to work as apprentices in construction field. What can be better than earning while learning. These
Short Bricklaying courses are so designed that the students get opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in the real fields. They work as apprentices where they get wages for the work they do. Getting Apprentice wages while they are still studying makes them financially independent. To get opportunity to implement their learning in the practical field makes them feel confident.  


Those who aspire to build a continuous career path that will help in earning good amount of money and at the same time have opportunities to grow consistently then bricklaying can be one of the most sought after choices for career in Australia.




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